Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Well this has certainly been an exhilarating couple of weeks. I never thought I would see a privileged life of travel and luxuries. Why me? Life truly is all about being in the right place at the right time. I'll be honest, at first I was nervous--frightened, even. The only other travels I've endured were in a dark, cramped box. The conditions were awful and I didn't know what was taking place or where I'd end up..or if I'd even survive. Luckily it turned out alright, my family and I got to stick together and we were treated well in our new home.

Here's what happened: I come from a large family of about 3,000 who, to say the least, doesn't get out much. Most of the time I was subjected to the less glamorous areas of the pit, specifically the middle and lower sections where it is incredibly cramped and mostly hard to breathe. At the very least, it got me away from my nagging aunts and uncles. They became annoyed with me after I started asking "too many questions." I became very curious after finding a digital camera that had fallen out of the pocket of a Pit visitor. The camera displayed photos of people and places that made my eyes widen and my jaw drop. The most I knew about the rest of the world came from the numerous loud gatherings and parties I could hear going on downstairs. I was thankful to have many visitors in the Pit and I always liked hearing them talk and tell stories to each other. But seeing actual photographs was different. I knew I couldn't stay in the Pit any longer. It was my brother who urged me to see the World Beyond. He told me that the Pit could not offer everything I wanted and deserved. It was time to be brave and take on actual living. It was he who gave me both a figurative and a literal helping hand out of the Panda Pit. I saw an opportunity in a bag that had been left open. I took my chances and crawled in, hoping for the best.

I've been here in Princeton now for three weeks now. It took me a while to come out of my shell, but I'm glad I did. I spent those few weeks exploring my surroundings and being terrified of this cat who apparently also shares these quarters. This one's a little bit more of a jerk than Franklin back home. I didn't mind his warm company in the Pit from time to time.
Yesterday was a day of many leaps and bounds. I decided to explore the town rather than stay cooped up in that room. It's a nice room, but I was certainly starting to get a bit of the ol' cabin fever without my friends and family keeping me company. The first thing I wanted to accomplish was experience the nightlife. I very frequently hear wild parties going on below me, but do I ever get invited to participate? No. In fact, booze is allowed everywhere in the loft except for the Panda Pit. Many thanks, human residents.
Continuing on, I appetized a little bit with a new Mexican friend named tequila, and then off to the pub I went.

The Princeton Sports Bar & Grill is hardly my first choice, but I had to make do. I kept reminding myself of this incredibly special opportunity that I had been awarded. I had one, rather unpleasant Miller Lite.

I was skeptical about finding a womanfolk, but who am I kidding? I'm a panda. Bitches love pandas. She wasn't great or anything, but I was hammered and one young lady looked alright to me at the time. We danced and perhaps shared a kiss, though I do not kiss and tell..

I had a rather brief conversation with the bouncer,

and then tried to yell over the blaring music at the DJ (I don't care much for what he played).

Networking, you know. Nonetheless, it was quite fun, though I have yet to obtain knowledge pertaining to my alcoholic limits. I am a merely a small thing, and tequila followed by an entire cup of beer was perhaps a wee bit absurd. Needless to say, I had a bit of a late night date with the toilet.

I awoke this morning...afternoon... fairly hungover, but managed to get myself to the theatre to see a play. I figured I might as well see what the World Beyond has to offer.

A lovely play, I must say. There were even bare breasts! I was even blessed enough to participate in a post-production discussion with the cast!

The rest of the day was easy and enjoyable. I played on this thing called a "Wii"--what a marvelous creation!

Unfortunately, I was later subjected to the film Hard Candy and I think I might have a spot of trouble sleeping tonight. Oh dear. Dreadful thing, that was.
Now I can only relax and see what awaits me in the future. Again, I am so happy to be here and simply cannot wait to explore more. The world is truly a beautiful place.

Not having fingers is not exactly conducive to typing, so until next time,